The Contra Costa Hills Club (CCHC) was founded in 1920 and is a charter member of the Federation of Western Outdoors Clubs. A Board of Directors of eleven elected members oversees the club activities. Our members reside throughout the Bay Area. We are a 501(c) 7 under the IRS code.
The Club sponsors two hikes each week, one on Sunday and one on Thursday. We hike the trails of Mt. Tamalpais, Mt. Diablo, the East Bay Regional Parks, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Pt. Reyes National Seashore, and San Mateo Mountains. We explore S.F. Bay shorelines and fascinating spots within our local cities.
E-mail schedules of hikes are supplied to each member, printed schedules are available upon request. Hikes are planned to enable use of public transportation, whenever possible. When needed, carpools are arranged from a BART station to get to the trailhead. The current hike schedule can be downloaded from the Hikes,Outings page.
Periodically other events are scheduled, such as overnight outings, and luncheons.
Members receive a monthly newsletter and frequent hike schedule updates via email. Members may elect to receive a printed newsletter and hike schedule at an additional cost; the latest edition is available on the News,Events page.
Our printed monthly newsletter, the "Knapsack," is no longer being published. Previous issues are available in an archive.
The Contra Costa Hills Club is committed to the protection of the environment. As hikers, we respect the areas through which we hike, and the Club donates regularly to more than two dozen worthy, nonprofit environmental organizations. See the Conservation page for more information.
In 1920 there were still large areas of open land in the Oakland and Berkeley hills. Few realized the need to set aside some of this land for public parks. None of the early conservation clubs worked to save local lands. Harold French, our founder, understood the need to preserve these lands as open space. With other leaders he founded the Contra Costa Hills Club as a conservation and hiking club. In 1934 his dream for the parks was realized. Under his leadership and with the work of our club and others, Tilden, Round-Top (now Sibley) and Temescal became Regional Parks; the system of Regional Parks for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties was established.
For an in-depth account of the founding of the Contra Costa Hills Club, see the presentation by Noël Siver at the club's 100th anniversary celebration.
A quick summary of our Club’s history and current activities is available to download and print for friends and or people you meet along the trail!
The 2024 Mammoth Lakes report provides an extensive account of the Club outing including hike write ups and stunning photos. It can be downloaded to share with your friends and prospective members.
Membership is open to all interested persons. See the Membership page for more information.
The Club sponsors two hikes each week, one on Sunday and one on Thursday. We hike the trails of Mt. Tamalpais, Mt. Diablo, the East Bay Regional Parks, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Pt. Reyes National Seashore, and San Mateo Mountains. We explore S.F. Bay shorelines and fascinating spots within our local cities.
E-mail schedules of hikes are supplied to each member, printed schedules are available upon request. Hikes are planned to enable use of public transportation, whenever possible. When needed, carpools are arranged from a BART station to get to the trailhead. The current hike schedule can be downloaded from the Hikes,Outings page.
Periodically other events are scheduled, such as overnight outings, and luncheons.
Members receive a monthly newsletter and frequent hike schedule updates via email. Members may elect to receive a printed newsletter and hike schedule at an additional cost; the latest edition is available on the News,Events page.
Our printed monthly newsletter, the "Knapsack," is no longer being published. Previous issues are available in an archive.
The Contra Costa Hills Club is committed to the protection of the environment. As hikers, we respect the areas through which we hike, and the Club donates regularly to more than two dozen worthy, nonprofit environmental organizations. See the Conservation page for more information.
In 1920 there were still large areas of open land in the Oakland and Berkeley hills. Few realized the need to set aside some of this land for public parks. None of the early conservation clubs worked to save local lands. Harold French, our founder, understood the need to preserve these lands as open space. With other leaders he founded the Contra Costa Hills Club as a conservation and hiking club. In 1934 his dream for the parks was realized. Under his leadership and with the work of our club and others, Tilden, Round-Top (now Sibley) and Temescal became Regional Parks; the system of Regional Parks for Alameda and Contra Costa Counties was established.
For an in-depth account of the founding of the Contra Costa Hills Club, see the presentation by Noël Siver at the club's 100th anniversary celebration.
A quick summary of our Club’s history and current activities is available to download and print for friends and or people you meet along the trail!
The 2024 Mammoth Lakes report provides an extensive account of the Club outing including hike write ups and stunning photos. It can be downloaded to share with your friends and prospective members.
Membership is open to all interested persons. See the Membership page for more information.